Diploma APEL

(1.0) Application Form

(1.1) GUC Form
👉👉 Click here for the Text (pdf): GUC Application Form

(1.2) GUC Resume
👉👉 Click here for the Text (Word): GUC Resume
👉👉 Click here for the Text (pdf): GUC Resume

(1.3) APEL Portfolio Form

👉👉 Click here for the Text (Words): APEL FORM_10th June 2023

👉👉 Click here for the Text (pdf): APEL Portfolio

👉👉 Click here for Example 1: How to fill up APEL Portfolio Form 
👉👉 Click here for Example 2: How to fill up APEL Portfolio Form

(1.4) APEL Aptitude Test Format

(1.5) APEL Test Questions
👉👉 Click here for Sample / Example: APEL Test Questions

(1.6) APEL Test Schedule
You can choose one of the following days and times for the APEL Test. 
(1.6.1) 👉👉 Saturday, 8:00 pm
(1.6.2) 👉👉 Wednesday, 1:00 pm
If you need another day and time, kindly inform Dr. How.
Send a WhatsApp message to Dr. How to confirm your selected day & time.

(1.7) APEL Test: Answer Sheet
👉👉 Click here for the Text (Dropbox): APEL Test Blank Answer Sheet

(1.8) APEL Emails

(1.9) APEL (A): Learner's Handbook
👉👉 Click here for the Text: APEL (A) Learner's Handbook

(1.10) APEL (A) Fees

(1.11) Briefing on APEL (A)
👉👉 Click here for the Video: Briefing on APEL (A)_22nd August 2022 

(2.0) Documents to Prepare

1) IC (Front & Back): 1 copy
2) SPM Certificate: 1 copy
3) Resume / CV: 1 copy
4) Photo Passport Size: 1 copy
5) Bank Slip for Registration Fee RM500: 1 copy

(2.1) Documents: APEL Portfolio 
a) Class Photo: 1 copy
b) Activity Photo: 1 copy
c) Certificate of Attendance: 1 copy
d) Employment Letter: 1 copy
e) Lesson Plan: 1 copy
f) Bank Slip for APEL RM155: 1 copy
g) Email all the documents to: 

(3.0) Example & Sample of Documents

(3.0a) Bank details for payment to Shingo

(3.1) IC (Front & Back): 1 copy

(3.2) SPM Certificate: 1 copy

(3.3) Resume / CV: 1 copy

(3.4) Photo Passport Size: 1 copy

(3.5) Bank Slip: 1 copy

(3.6) Class Photo: 1 copy

(3.7) Activity Photo: 1 copy

(3.8) Certificate of Attendance: 1 copy

(3.9) Employment Letter: 1 copy

(3.10) Lesson Plan: 1 copy

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Education Pathway

(1.0) Education Pathway